2015-08-29 Jiffy Lube Live, Bristow, VA

TopicsAll ForumsVan Halen2015 Tour2015-08-29 Jiffy Lube Live, Bristow, VA

This topic has 22 voices, contains 61 replies, and was last updated by  jroundy 3434 days ago.

August 30, 2015 at 10:18 am Quote #48888

August 30, 2015 at 11:04 am Quote #48890


kubacheck: http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=538505

Very cool~! Thanks for getting this up so quickly.

August 30, 2015 at 12:05 pm Quote #48891


The show last night was great. The band interaction was good. I was not that close. However they seemed go be enjoying themselves. The band was tight and sounded great.

Dave’s vocals were as expected from earlier recordings of the tour. I don’t know what it is, but they don’t seem to be as bad when you are at the show. The audience (At lease in my section) really enjoyed Dave.

The best part of the show was seeing Ed enjoying himself. He seemed to be having a really good time. I especially enjoyed seeing (on the big screen) Ed thanking the audience towards the end of his solo. Seemed very sincere.

As far as the crowd. I saw a number of empty seats in my section. A big section of the row directly behind me was empty. It was interesting to see the mass exodus (Bathroom/Beer) as they started to play Shes the Woman.

I am going to the Charlotte show with my sister on 9/11. We went to my first VH concert together in 1982 (Roanoke VA). I sent her pictures throughout the show. I could tell she is getting really excited.

August 30, 2015 at 12:17 pm Quote #48892


Mink: Awesome Randy! The EVH cam from Chicago is my favorite video. I’m looking forward to this one now. Thank you for the sacrifice of taping and sharing, much appreciated!

I agree with Matt. It does look awesome Randy. The Chicago video is also my favorite. Nice job!

“This hamburger don’t need no helper.” – DLR 5/17/15

August 30, 2015 at 3:54 pm Quote #48899

King Edward

I was also at the show……can’t disagree with other evaluations of the show. They sounded great and a lot more interaction with Edward and Dave then I have seen from other shows so far. I will agree with Mike VH – David Lee Roth does not sound nearly as bad in person as he does on recordings and videos. I can’t really explain it…….with that being said he did pump out some sour notes but not as bad as I was anticipating. He was entertaining for sure.

Wolfgang pretty much keeps to himself on his side of the stage, solid and does his thing but only came to Edwards side of the stage once during China Town.

Edward was all smiles, lot of interaction with DLR and Wolf. Moved around well and sounded great. Really could not have asked for more, super satisfied with the show.

August 30, 2015 at 5:46 pm Quote #48902



David Lee Roth and Van Halen bring joy to Jiffy Lube Live

David Lee Roth (left) and Eddie Van Halen, shown here performing in Wantagh, N.Y. on Aug. 13. The band played Jiffy Lube Live in Bristow, Va., on Aug. 29, 2015. (Greg Allen / Invision / AP)

By Matthew Hay Brown
August 30, 2015 4:31 PM
Bristow, Va.

Review: With David Lee Roth, Van Halen proves there is still plenty in the tank.

It’s worth pausing for a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to be living in a time when Van Halen is whole again — performing, and maybe even making new music.

As recently as a few years ago, this happy outcome hardly looked likely. It had been years since the virtuosic frontman David Lee Roth had played with guitar genius Eddie Van Halen, and decades since they’d made a real record together — time in which the sides alternated between floating ideas for reunions of one sort or another and taking shots at each other in the press.

But then came the surprise announcement of a new record, and 2012′s “A Different Kind of Truth” turned out to be better than anyone had a right to expect — better, in fact, than anything the band had done since Roth left after “1984.”

Then came a real tour, with new music mixed in with the familiar hits, and sounding every bit as good. A live album — the band’s first with Roth out front — this spring, and talk of a return to the studio this fall.

The Van Halen that arrived at Jiffy Lube Live Saturday night felt not like a heritage act, but a working band that might yet have more to say.

And here’s how they took the stage: They snuck up on it. One moment there was the canned music they play while the people were buying their $14.50 cans of beer and their little sleeves of candied almonds, and then, before anyone knew what had happened, Roth and Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang Van Halen had run out and were tearing into “Light Up the Sky.”

And that’s another thing. The set list tended away from the obvious in favor of album cuts. They have to play “Jump,” I guess, but in addition to “Sky,” we got “I’m the One,” “Romeo Delight,” “In a Simple Rhyme” and “Dirty Movies.” This was no mere oldies tour.

I don’t mind the hits, either, so I was glad when the show proper began with a thumping “Runnin’ With the Devil,” and the jungly “Everybody Wants Some!!”

How did they sound? Great. Better, probably, than 30 years ago, because that’s 30 years of Eddie Van Halen refining his guitars and amplifiers. They sounded unmistakably like Van Halen: Alex’s busy, often tribal beats, Eddie and Wolfgang’s helium harmonies, and, of course, Eddie’s endlessly innovating guitar: the boogieing little rhythm riffs and licks, the melodic hammering, the squealing pinch harmonics. (That’s another thing for which to be grateful: the opportunity to be in the same room as that remarkable sound — the most distinctive guitarist since Hendrix.)

Roth, in glittery purple jacket and comprehensive tattoos, sings like he always did — more showman than technician, howling and yelping, leering and winking as he shuffles across the stage. Raising a kind of cross-generational showbiz shtick, with roots in vaudeville and the carnival midway, to a kind of performance art, he fully committed to its own insincerity.

In that spirit, as Roth performed, he also provided a kind of play-by-play report on the set, in a series of asides throughout the evening: “Here’s the best part of the song, right here,” before a drum break in “Light Up the Sky.” “Oh, this is a good one,” as if surprised and delighted to hear the opening to “Women in Love.” And “This is like power radio right here — no space between songs. … More bang for your buck.”

It was, in fact, power radio — whatever that is — from “Little Guitars” through “Dance the Night Away,” “Beautiful Girls” and “Women in Love.”

Then came the moment that the Van Halens left the stage to Roth — himself a useful guitar player — for “Ice Cream Man.” The frontman seemed to drop all irony to talk for a bit about the lasting impact of parents, teachers and coaches, the playground in Pasadena, Calif., near his childhood home and the Van Halens’, his experience playing youth football and the way the world sounds different through a helmet. Then the song, and the rest of the band crashing in, and soon “Unchained,” with “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” on its heels.

Eddie also had his solo set piece, which he rendered as a kind of suite incorporating some of his most distinctive instrumental passages not otherwise in the set: excerpts from “Eruption,” “Mean Streets,” and “Cathedral,” each innovative in a different direction.

While Roth spent the night mugging, Eddie was beaming — I’ve been trying to decide whether beatifically or like the Buddha, so let’s make it both — as if he was as delighted as the rest of us to hear what was coming out of his fingertips.

And that’s the last thing: They all seemed to be having a great time. For a band that spent so long airing its intramural animosities, they genuinely seemed to be enjoying each other.

Set list

Light Up the Sky
Runnin’ With the Devil
Romeo Delight
Everybody Wants Some!!
Drop Dead Legs
Feel Your Love Tonight
Somebody Get Me a Doctor
She’s the Woman
China Towns
I’ll Wait
(Drum Solo)
Little Guitars
Dance the Night Away
Beautiful Girls
Women in Love
Hot for Teacher
In a Simple Rhyme
“Dirty Movies”
Ice Cream Man
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
(Guitar Solo)
You Really Got Me

August 30, 2015 at 5:57 pm Quote #48903


Then came the moment that the Van Halens left the stage to Roth — himself a useful guitar player — for “Ice Cream Man.”

I love DLR … but useful guitar player? That little thing he does by holding two string down with this index finger and doing a little plucking does sound good considering how little it involves. But useful … really?

August 30, 2015 at 6:02 pm Quote #48904


Not a bad review, however, they didn’t play I’m the One and ADKOT being better than anything since 1984 is an opinion not a fact.

August 30, 2015 at 6:41 pm Quote #48905


That was some great footage, thanks for the sacrafice…

Laughing at the Days Garbage Through Loud Volume, This is “Laughing At Reality”..

VHT Member since 2001

August 30, 2015 at 8:48 pm Quote #48908


ron: http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/music/midnight-sun-blog/bal-david-lee-roth-van-halen-jiffy-lube-live-story.html
“Oh, this is a good one,” as if surprised and delighted to hear the opening to “Women in Love.”

I liked this part. Good fun.

Thanks for recording the closeups again Randy. That must truly be a labor of love!

August 30, 2015 at 9:41 pm Quote #48909



boldly going nowhere

August 30, 2015 at 10:17 pm Quote #48910




I got excited when I saw this thinking I had found a nice companion to my video. But it’s basically one big, long shakefest.

August 31, 2015 at 12:26 am Quote #48911


Mink: Not a bad review, however, they didn’t play I’m the One and ADKOT being better than anything since 1984 is an opinion not a fact.

Maybe they played I’m The One during soundcheck? Can’t really blame the reviewer to slip a little after such a show, can you? :wink:

August 31, 2015 at 2:30 am Quote #48912


Mink: Not a bad review, however, they didn’t play I’m the One and ADKOT being better than anything since 1984 is an opinion not a fact.

No, its fact.

August 31, 2015 at 7:23 am Quote #48918


guitard: I got excited when I saw this thinking I had found a nice companion to my video. But it’s basically one big, long shakefest.

I agree, I thought the same thing until I watched some of it even skipping through it and just became dizzy from the shaking.


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