Van Halen News
852 + 12264 3 hours agoDiscuss the latest news and rumors about the band.
The Corner Pub
1,428 + 9889 2 hours agoSit down at the bar and chat with traders from the all over the world about movies, TV, sports, music, boobs, or whatever else is on your mind. All non-trade related discussion go here.
Trade Chat
197 + 1191 257 days agoAnything and everything to do with trading unofficial live recordings! Burning, burners, recording, authoring, downloading, torrenting, reviews, tech issues - you name it!!
Website Issues, Bugs & Recommendations
67 + 514 206 days agoPlease - positive, constructive suggestions only.
Wolfgang Van Halen News
101 + 262 5 days agoDiscuss the latest news and rumors about Wolfgang Van Halen and Mammoth WVH.
Van Halen
2004 Tour
4 + 50 757 days agoConcert reviews, backstage experiences, photos, and anything else about the 2004 Van Halen tour. Note: trade discussion about 2004 recordings belongs in the The Great Bootleg Forest.
2007-2008 Tour
10 + 53 867 days agoConcert reviews, backstage experiences, photos, and anything else about the 2007-2008 Van Halen tour. Note: trade discussion about 2007-08 recordings belongs in the The Great Bootleg Forest.
Online Videos
425 + 2624 3 days agoPost and view videos, interview clips, and other goodies hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Videos, or anywhere else videos are hosted online.
2012 Tour
149 + 3075 3521 days agoConcert reviews, getting tickets, photos, and anything else about the 2012 Van Halen tour. Note: trade discussion about 2012 recordings belongs in the The Great Bootleg Forest.
A Different Kind Of Truth
79 + 883 370 days agoDiscuss the new CD and DVD here!!
2013 Tour
12 + 745 1716 days agoConcert reviews, getting tickets, photos, and anything else about the 2013 Van Halen tour. Note: trade discussion about 2013 recordings belongs in the The Great Bootleg Forest.
2015 Tour
74 + 2001 353 days agoConcert reviews, getting tickets, photos, and anything else about the 2015 Van Halen tour. Note: trade discussion about 2015 recordings belongs in the The Great Bootleg Forest.
The Great Bootleg Forest
CD-R/DVD Tree Signups
10 + 246 3819 days agoSign up for trees here! You can view finalized trees in the CD-R/DVD Tree Structures forum.
CD-R/DVD Tree Structures
8 + 200 2906 days agoView finalized CD-R/DVD trees in this forum. To start a tree, please use the CD-R/DVD Tree Signup forum.
Unofficial Live Audio Recordings
845 + 4334 3 days agoLooking for an unofficial live audio recording? Unreleased demos? Know about a cool torrent? Got download links to something hot? Here's the place to talk about it!!
DVDs / Unofficial Live Video Recordings
344 + 5092 129 days agoLooking for an unofficial live video recording? Know about a nice DVD torrent? Got download links to something hot? Here's the place to let others know about it!!
54 + 346 856 days agoGo here if you want to sell or buy miscellaneous items such as posters, picks, t-shirts, memorabilia, collectibles, guitar gear, etc.
Other Artists
418 + 2334 12 days agoThis forum is for the discussion and trading of other artists besides the mighty Van Halen.
Recommended Traders
42 + 193 2372 days agoHad a good experience with a trader? Met someone who went "above and beyond" to make a trade work? Let everyone know about 'em here!
Traders to Avoid
6 + 42 4576 days agoUse this forum to warn others about any bad traders or scam artists you've encountered.
The Newbie Forum
115 + 1431 642 days agoNew to VHTrading or the trading of unofficial live recordings? Then this forum is for you ~ introduce yourself!
Trade Lists Forum
17 + 83 2748 days agoA forum for people who don't have a trade site to post their trade list.