2015-09-28 Ak-Chin Pavilion, Phoenix, AZ

TopicsAll ForumsVan Halen2015 Tour2015-09-28 Ak-Chin Pavilion, Phoenix, AZ

This topic has 7 voices, contains 24 replies, and was last updated by  mrmojohalen 3421 days ago.

September 18, 2015 at 4:57 pm Quote #49559


Is WES going ?

When you turn on your stereo, does it return the favor?

September 18, 2015 at 7:37 pm Quote #49568


Anyone else besides myself & PhxHorn going to this show??

September 23, 2015 at 1:20 pm Quote #49699


I called the venue and asked about video cameras, saying that the band seemed to be OK with it at other shows. The brain-dead person I talked to said, “We won’t know anything for sure until day of show, but for now it says no video.” All I have is a Canon EOS 70D, which has a detachable lens, so I doubt that would pass muster unless they change their policy. I need to look into borrowing a smaller HD camera.

September 23, 2015 at 11:58 pm Quote #49709


PhxHorn: I called the venue and asked about video cameras, saying that the band seemed to be OK with it at other shows.The brain-dead person I talked to said, “We won’t know anything for sure until day of show, but for now it says no video.” All I have is a Canon EOS 70D, which has a detachable lens, so I doubt that would pass muster unless they change their policy.I need to look into borrowing a smaller HD camera.

Have you been to a show at Ak-Chin recently? I haven’t been there for like 5 years, I am wondering how strict they usually are entering the venue. I upgraded my 7th row single for a 3rd row single last week, love the free upgrade deal. I hope I can get the camera in!

September 24, 2015 at 1:14 am Quote #49710


I can’t remember the last time I was there, but it was many years ago. How did you get the upgrade?

September 24, 2015 at 11:30 am Quote #49717


Live Nation/ Ticketmaster has an upgrade policy. I forget how many days before a show it has to be, I believe it was 3 or 7, but you can exchange your current ticket, & only have to pay any additional fees if the new ticket costs more. I checked available tix one day last week & a 3rd row popped up. Called Live nation, they swapped it out, no charge. There were 5th row available last time I checked last night.

September 24, 2015 at 11:39 am Quote #49719


zr1fevr: you can exchange your current ticket, & only have to pay any additional fees if the new ticket costs more.

What if the (better) ticket costs less?

I think I already know the answer though :-)

September 24, 2015 at 11:51 am Quote #49722


guitard: What if the (better) ticket costs less?

I think I already know the answer though :-)

Haha, yeah that would be an interesting situation!

September 29, 2015 at 3:46 am Quote #49860


Great show, Eddie was incredible, Dave was silly and well-dressed, and my audio seems to have turned out well. Security was so lax, I could have brought in a bazooka and a samurai sword. I’ll be working on the audio over the next day or two and will try to have it up soon. Anyone else get audio or video? zr1fevr?

September 29, 2015 at 12:03 pm Quote #49879


PhxHorn: Great show, Eddie was incredible, Dave was silly and well-dressed, andmy audio seems to have turned out well.Security was so lax, I could have brought in a bazooka and a samurai sword.I’ll be working on the audio over the next day or two and will try to have it up soon. Anyone else get audio or video?zr1fevr?

Security might have been lax entering, but not by the stage. I was 3rd row, too close to security, & was told no video during EWS. I tried reasoning with the guy, & was told if I shot any more video, I will be thrown out. He wasn’t too nice about it, lol. So, I didn’t shoot anymore video. I should have kept my 7th row ticket, I don’t think I would have been bothered there. I guess I was lucky to get all of the San Bernadino show from 3rd row though. Show was good though, kind of bummed they dropped China & Rhyme though. A lot of energy from Ed especially, & it was fn HOT down by the stage! I was considering making another trip to LA for the last show, & 1 more crack at videotaping this tour, but not sure yet. Glad you got audio PhxHorn, awesome!

September 29, 2015 at 12:08 pm Quote #49880


I was in an aisle seat and there was security roaming up and down, mainly keeping people from standing in the aisle. I didn’t see anyone getting busted for video, but then again, nobody was doing it for more than a tune at a time. If we could somehow acquire all the cell phone video from the front section, we’d have enough video for a killer DVD.

September 29, 2015 at 12:11 pm Quote #49881


zr1fevr: I tried reasoning with the guy, & was told if I shot any more video, I will be thrown out. He wasn’t too nice about it, lol. So, I didn’t shoot anymore video.

When you think in terms of “what’s the harm in someone videotaping,” it’s amazing at how militant some of these rent-a-cops at music venues get. They treat it the way I’d expect them to act in a situation where someone is smashing glass bottles or giving drugs to a young kid; i.e., someone is doing something that’s really dangerous. And yet, a guy with a video camera is doing what hundreds of other people are doing with their iPhones and point-and-shoot cameras – but he gets singled out and treated like a criminal.

September 29, 2015 at 12:17 pm Quote #49882


PhxHorn:If we could somehow acquire all the cell phone video from the front section, we’d have enough video for a killer DVD.

The thing is – at least 95% of the video shot with phones is shit quality. It’s probably closer to 98%. Every once in a while you see someone who really knows how to shoot a nice, steady shot – and they actually shoot a lot of the show. But when you really look at it closely with a critical eye – probably 98% of what you see is over-exposed, shaky, jittery, too far from the stage, etc., etc.

September 29, 2015 at 12:31 pm Quote #49883


guitard: When you think in terms of “what’s the harm in someone videotaping,” it’s amazing at how militant some of these rent-a-cops at music venues get.They treat it the way I’d expect them to act in a situation where someone is smashing glass bottles or giving drugs to a young kid; i.e., someone is doing something that’s really dangerous.And yet, a guy with a video camera is doing what hundreds of other people are doing with their iPhones and point-and-shoot cameras – but he gets singled out and treated like a criminal.

So true. I thought about using my phone after I was told to stop, but I didn’t go to shoot iphone video, not the same as using a decent camcorder. I used an iphone to record a few songs from front row of Satriani, wasn’t too impressed with quality. I decided to just enjoy the show instead of trying to concentrate on making a good video. Honestly though, I would have rather made a good video.

September 29, 2015 at 1:00 pm Quote #49884


guitard: When you think in terms of “what’s the harm in someone videotaping,” it’s amazing at how militant some of these rent-a-cops at music venues get.They treat it the way I’d expect them to act in a situation where someone is smashing glass bottles or giving drugs to a young kid; i.e., someone is doing something that’s really dangerous.And yet, a guy with a video camera is doing what hundreds of other people are doing with their iPhones and point-and-shoot cameras – but he gets singled out and treated like a criminal.

Years back I asked an audio taper friend of mine why a certain venue was so against video taping. He told me when they first opened the venue a fight broke out during a show. The security guys roughed someone up and got sued by the guy. When it went to court the venue denied their guys did it and that they followed the venues procedures. Then the lawyer for the guy who got beat up produced an audience filmed tape where the filmer switched to the fight when it broke out. The venue and its people were caught in a lie and the guy won the suit and it cost the venue quite a bit of money. Since then they are paranoid of filming.


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